It all started when...
Mia and Paige, both new mothers, turned to one another for support. In one difficult moment in Paige’s early postpartum experience she said to Mia, “I wish someone would tell me what to do!? I wish I lived in a tribe, and there were all these wise women around and I wouldn’t think so much about everything.” Mia replied, “Well, we do, it’s...we have each other.”
Mia and Paige began talking to friends about their labor experiences and were surprised at how different everyone’s experience was. They realized that as much as we can plan for the birth that we want, it is largely going to follow its own path. The best we can do is learn from each other, prepare and surrender. For Paige and Mia parenthood has been no different and so the Collective Motherhood Project was born
The book series is the first part of the Collective Motherhood Project. The series will explore specific topics through pregnancy, birth, and parenthood. These are real people, real experience, real stories.