A little more about us...



Mia Seymour has worked in education for over twelve years as an elementary and middle school teacher, mentor, instructional guide and consultant. Prior to her work in education, she was an investigator and lobbyist for an international environmental organization. Mia is currently pursuing some exciting projects focused on educating and empowering women and ultimately creating more health and joy in the world.  

Mia gave birth to her daughter, Liana Meadow, in March 2014. Becoming a mother was everything Mia thought it would be and a whole lot more…more challenging and more beautiful. Motherhood has allowed, and at times forced, Mia to learn more about herself more than at any other point in her life.  It has encouraged her to redefine her priorities, achieve a new level of balance in life and find more joy in every moment.

Liana’s birth was relatively straightforward and Mia walked away loving the labor experience. Afterwards, she was floored by the unexpected physical and emotional journey wrapped up in the first months of motherhood. As soon as Mia began talking to her friends, through smiles and tears, about their birth stories and early stages of parenthood she realized how diverse the experiences were. Somehow, even though the stories were often different, sharing the joys and challenges is what strengthened the connection to the collective experience of motherhood. As soon as Mia decided to leave her job to spend more time with Liana, a partnership with Paige and the Collective Motherhood Project were born.



Paige Doughty is one half of the dynamic performing duo, Jeff and Paige. She has been a classroom teacher, environmental educator, a writer, and a business owner. Paige is involved in several entrepreneurial projects and is passionate about using the everyday moments of our lives as lessons for growth and connection to the larger whole.

Paige had her first and (for now!) only son Wolf, in 2014. Becoming a mother was one of the most awe-inspiring, emotionally and physically challenging, and mind-blowing things she has ever experienced. Becoming Wolf’s mom redefined everything Paige thought she “knew” about herself and helped her grow into a stronger, more balanced, and empowered person in every way.

Paige feels that the challenges and opportunities of motherhood have continued well beyond the day that Wolf was born. Without a community of mothers supporting Paige along the way, she knows she would not have had such a positive experience of becoming a parent. This is what drew her to create the Collective Motherhood Project with her friend Mia.


                 Baby Wolf & Liana

                 Baby Wolf & Liana

                      Toddler Wolf & Liana

                      Toddler Wolf & Liana